Report Name | Description | |
1. | Cemetaries | A list of cemetaries and their locations |
2. | Individuals: frequency of zodiacal signs | |
3. | Individuals, with their zodiacal sign | A list of all the people with their zodiacal sign |
4. | All the women in the database sorted on first name | Een overzicht van alle vrouwen in het bestand gesorteerd op voornaam |
5. | All the men in the database sorted on first name | Alle mannen in de database gesorteerd op voornaam, |
6. | People sorted on date | This gives you a list of the people born before 1500, sorted on date of birth |
7. | Changed persons in the last 90 days | List of the the people which changed the last 90 days, sorted on the last change date |
8. | Document changes | Veranderingen van de laatste 90 dagen in documenten, ZONDER de gelinkte personen. Documents/histories changed within the last 90 days (listing *without* linked individuals) |
9. | Changes in histories with people | Veranderde documenten, levensverhalen MET links naar de personen Documents/histories changed within the last 90 days (listing *with* linked individuals) |
10. | Changed families | Gezinnen die verandert zijn in de laatste 90 dagen Families changed within the last 90 days |
11. | Changes in headstones (Last 90 days w.o. people | headstones: changes within the last 90 days (listing *without* linked individuals and *without* linked cemeteries) |
12. | Changed headstones with links to cemetries | Headstones: changes within the last 90 days (listing *without* linked individuals but *with* linked cemeteries) |
13. | Changed photos, without links to people | Photos changed within the last 90 days (listing *without* linked individuals) |
14. | Photos changed within the last 90 days | Photos changed within the last 90 days (listing *with* linked individuals) |
15. | Unknown sex | A list of the people with unknown gender and not stillborn Een lijst met personen waarvan de sexe onbekend is en die niet doodgeboren zijn. |
16. | Veterans | An overview of veterans (at least if you added some) |
17. | all occuring places, including place levels | all occuring places, including place levels |
18. | sources with citation frequency, ordered by sources | sources with citation frequency, ordered by sources |
19. | sources with citation frequency, ordered by frequency | sources with citation frequency, ordered by frequency |
20. | sources: citation texts - with frequency of occurence | sources: citation texts - with frequency of occurence ordered by description |
21. | individuals: frequency distribution of zodiacal signs | individuals: frequency distribution of zodiac signs |
22. | individuals without date of birth/baptism/death/burial | individuals without date of birth/baptism/death/burial (empty date fields) |
23. | individuals without places | individuals without places - missing birth/baptism/death/burial place (empty place fields) |
24. | indivuals ordered by ascending age | indivuals ordered by ascending age (only deceased) |
25. | individuals: age frequency distribution | individuals: age frequency distribution (only deceased) Individuen: leeftijdsgrafieken (alleen overledenen) |
26. | individuals: age frequency per decade | individuals: age frequency per decade (only deceased), one = equals 100 people Individuen: leeftijdsverdeling per 10 jaren (alleen overledenen), een = is 100 mensen |
27. | Individuals marked as living | Individuals marked as "living" with age > 100 years |
28. | inviduals: birthdays in the current month | inviduals: birthdays in the current month (only deceased persons) |
29. | individuals with an unclear date of birth | individuals with an unclear date of birth e.g. "ABT", "BEF", "AFT", "CAL" |
30. | individuals: birth frequency by century | individuals: birth frequency by century, one = equals 100 people Individuen: geboortegrafieken per eeuw, een = is 100 mensen |
31. | individuals: birth frequency by decades | individuals: birth frequency by decades, one = equals 50 people Individuen: geboortegrafieken per 10 jaren, een = is 50 mensen |
32. | individuals: birth frequency by calendar months | individuals: birth frequency by calendar months, one = equals 50 people Individuen: geboortegrafieken per kalendermaand, een = is 50 mensen |
33. | individuals: baptism frequency by century | individuals: baptism frequency by century, one = equals 100 people Individuen: doopgrafieken per eew, een = is 100 mensen |
34. | individuals: days between birth and baptism | individuals: number of days from birth and baptism individuen: aantal dagen tussen geboorte en doop |
35. | individuals: frequency distribution of days from birth to baptism | individuals: frequency distribution of days from birth to baptism, one = equals 10 people Individuen: grafiek van de verdeling van dagen tussen geboorte en doop, een = is 10 mensen |
36. | individuals with 50. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 50. birthdate this year or next year |
37. | individuals with 60. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 60. birthdate this year or next year |
38. | individuals with 65. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 65. birthdate this year or next year |
39. | individuals with 70. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 70. birthdate this year or next year |
40. | individuals with 75. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 75. birthdate this year or next year |
41. | individuals with 80. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 80. birthdate this year or next year |
42. | individuals with 85. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 85. birthdate this year or next year |
43. | individuals with 90. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 90. birthdate this year or next year |
44. | individuals with 100. birthdate this year or next year | individuals with 100. birthdate this year or next year |
45. | individuals, by place of birth | individuals, sorted by place of birth |
46. | individuals, by place of baptism | individuals, by place of baptism |
47. | individuals with and unclear date of death | individuals with and unclear date of death |
48. | individuals: death frequency by century | individuals: death frequency by century, one = equals 100 people Individuen: overlijdensgrafieken per eeuw, een = is 100 mensen |
49. | individuals: birth frequency by day-of-week | individuals: birth frequency by day-of-week one = equals 50 people Individuen: geboorte grafieken per dag van de week, een = is 50 mensen |
50. | individuals: death frequency by decades | individuals: death frequency by decades one = equals 20 people Individuen: overlijdensgrafieken per 10 jaar, een = is 20 mensen |
51. | individuals: death frequency by calendar months | individuals: death frequency by calendar months one = equals 50 people Individuen: overlijdensgrafieken per kalendermaand, een = is 50 mensen |
52. | individuals: death frequency by day-of-week | individuals: death frequency by day-of-week one = equals 50 people Individuen: overlijdensgrafieken per dag van de week, een = is 50 mensen |
53. | families with missing partners | families with missing partners |
54. | families with missing partners but WITH marriage date | families with missing partners but WITH marriage date |
55. | families: marriage frequency by century | families: marriage frequency by century one = equals 100 people Gezinnen: huwelijksgrafieken per eeuw, een = is 100 mensen |
56. | families: marriage frequency by decades | families: marriage frequency by decades one = equals 10 people Gezinnen: huwelijksgrafieken per eeuw, een = is 10 mensen |
57. | families: marriage frequency by day-of-week | families: marriage frequency by day-of-week one = equals 50 people Gezinnen: huwelijksgrafieken per dag van de week, een = is 50 mensen |
58. | families: marriage frequency by calendar month | families: marriage frequency by calendar month one = equals 50 people Gezinnen: huwelijksgrafieken per kalendermaand, een = is 50 mensen |
59. | individuals married with age <= 18 years | individuals married with age <= 18 years and marriage date AFTER 1785 (before 1785 there are too many people in the database who where married at a too young age, notably nobility) |
60. | individuals married with age >= 80 years | individuals married with age >= 80 years |
61. | families: individual with marriage date *after* death date | families: individual with marriage date *after* death date |
62. | families: individuals with marriage date *before* birthdate | families: individuals with marriage date *before* birthdate |
63. | families: frequency distribution of marriage age, by year | families: frequency distribution of marriage age, Gezinnen: huwelijksgrafieken per huwelijksleeftijd |
64. | families: frequency distribution of wife's marriage age, by year | families: frequency distribution of wife's marriage age, by year one = equals 50 people Gezinnen: huwelijksgrafieken per huwelijksleeftijd van de vrouw, een = is 50 mensen |
65. | families: frequency distribution of husband's marriage age, by year | families: frequency distribution of husband's marriage age, by year one = equals 50 people Gezinnen: huwelijksgrafieken per huwelijksleeftijd van de man, een = is 50 mensen |
66. | families: frequency distribution of wife's marriage age, by 5-year-steps | families: frequency distribution of wife's marriage age, by 5-year-steps one = equals 50 people Gezinnen: huwelijksgrafieken van de vrouw's huwelijksleeftijd met 5 jaar stappen, een = is 50 mensen |
67. | families: frequency distribution of husband's marriage age, by 5-year-steps | families: frequency distribution of husband's marriage age, by 5-year-steps one = equals 50 people Gezinnen: huwelijksgrafieken van de man's huwelijksleeftijd met 5 jaar stappen, een = is 50 mensen |
68. | families: occuring marriage types without names (but with frequency) | families: occuring marriage types without names (but with frequency) one = equals 5 people Gezinnen: "typen huwelijk" zonder namen maar met aantallen, een = is 5 mensen |
69. | Same sex marriages | |
70. | Families sorted according to number of children | |
71. | individuals with missing father or missing mother | individuals with missing father or missing mother |
72. | Incomplete families | Families where husband or wife is missing |
73. | Individuals (not: families!) with number of associated children | Individuals (not: families!) with number of associated children |
74. | Families: twins, triplets.. | Families: twins, triplets.. |
75. | Families: Twins | Families: Twins |
76. | families, ordered by husband's name | families, ordered by husband's name |
77. | families, ordered by wife's maiden name | families, ordered by wife's maiden name |
78. | families: husbands | families: husbands |
79. | families: marriage types with individuals (with personIDs *and* names) | families: marriage types with individuals (with personIDs *and* names) |
80. | families: wifes | families: wifes |
81. | Families: individuals with missing father or missing mother | Families: individuals with missing father or missing mother |
82. | individuals: number of days between birth and death | individuals: number of days between birthday and death individuen: aantal dagen tussen verjaardag en overlijden |
83. | birthday to death, one = equals 10 people | individuals: frequency distribution of days from birthday to death, one = equals 10 people Individuen: grafiek van de verdeling van dagen tussen verjaardig en overlijden, een = is 10 mensen |
84. | Dagen verschil tussen dood en leven | / Individuals: frequency distribution of difference (in "absolute" weeks) between day/month of birth and day/month of death |
85. | Places without coordinates | |
86. | Wezen, Orphans | Personen zonder ouders, geoordend volgens de laatste invoer eerst. People without any parents, ordered according to the last input. |
87. | Wezen zonder partner en kinderen, Orphans without partner and childeren | Mensen die dus aan niemand verbonden zijn. Open de links in het rapport alstublieft in een nieuw venster. Persons who are connected to nobody. Open the links in the report please in a new window. |
88. | individuals with mother, but without father (father is missing) | Individuen met hun moeder maar waar de vader mist |
89. | families: individuals with father, but without mother (mother is missing) | Gezinnen met een missende moeder |
90. | Places ordered by the last entered | Plaatsnamen georderend volgens de laatst toegevoegde |
91. | all occuring second place name levels p, including frequency, | all occuring second place name levels, including frequency, ordered by place name level Alle voorkomende tweede niveau plaatsnamen en hoe vaak ze voorkomen,geordend volgens plaatsnaam niveau |
92. | all occuring second place name levels, including frequency, ordered by frequency | all occuring second place name levels, including frequency, ordered by frequency Alle voorkomende tweede niveau plaatsnamen en hoe vaak ze voorkomen. Geordend volgens frequentie |
93. | All occuring third place levels, including frequency, ordered by place level | All occuring third place name levels, including frequency, ordered by place name level Alle voorkomende derde niveau plaatsnamen en hoe vaak ze voorkomen. Geordend bij plaatsnaam niveau. |
94. | All occuring third place name levels, including frequency, ordered by frequency | All occuring third place name levels, including frequency, ordered by frequency Alle voorkomende derde niveau plaatsnamen en hoe vaak ze voorkomen. Geordend volgens frequentie |
95. | Faulty birth dates | Foutieve geboortedatums |
96. | Faulty burial dates | foutieve begraafdatums |
97. | Faulty death dates | foutieve overlijdensdatums |
98. | Faulty birth, baptism, death and burial APROXIMATE dates, e.g. abt1988 | foute geschatte datums bijv, abt1988 (geen spatie) Kijkt alleen naar geboorte, doop, overlijdens en begraaf datums. |
99. | empty notes | empty notes |
100. | Husband is female | Marriages where the husband is female and therefore a mistake might have been made. Huwelijken waar de man vrouwelijk is en er mogelijk een fout gemaakt is. |
101. | People born after they died | Personen geboren nadat ze overleden zijn. |
102. | The wife is male | Marriages where the wife is male and therefore a mistake might have been made Huwelijken waar de echtgenote is mannelijk en mogelijk verkeerd zou kunnen zijn ingevoerd |
103. | Born after Baptized | Persons who are born after they are baptized Personen die geboren zijn nadat ze gedoopt zijn. |
104. | Places with an empty description but with coordinates | Plaatsnamen zonder een beschrijving, maar met coordinaten |
105. | Present age of living people | Leeftijd van levende personen (alleen zichtbaar als je ingelogd bent) |
106. | Age of living people | leeftijd van nog levenden Similar to the report 124 only now it gives ages with the addition of months etc. |
107. | People without a default image | Mensen zonder een standaard klikplaatje |
108. | Show private notes | Toon privé notities |
109. | Orphaned families | Families with no husband and no wife Gezinnen met geen vader en geen moeder |
110. | People with the same surname as their mother | People with a different surname as their father but the same as their mother (born after 1811, due to the Dutch system, before 1811 people used patronymics) Mensen met een andere achternaam dan hun vader geboren na 1811 (voor 1811 gebruikte men patroniemen)maar dezelfde als hun moeder |
111. | Different surname as both parents | People whose last names is different from the last name of the father AND the last name of the mother. Mensen met een andere achternaam dan de vader EN de moeder. |
112. | People with a different surname as their father | People with a different surname as their father (born after 1811) Mensen met een andere achternaam as hun vader (geboren na 1811) |
113. | People ordered with the age of their parents | People ordered with the age of their parents ordered according to the age of the father Mensen geordend MET de leeftijd van hun ouders, gerangschikked volgens de leeftijd van de vader |
114. | People ordered with the age of their parents | People with the age of their parents, ordered by the age of the mother Mensen met de leeftijd van hun ouders gerangschikt volgens de leeftijd van de moeder |
115. | Statistic of people becoming parents | Frequency distribution of age where males (M) become father and females (F) become mother (for all children) Verdeling van leeftijd waarop mensen ouder worden |
116. | People born into more families | Mensen die in meerdere gezinnen zijn geboren |
117. | Wrong place names for PERSONS | Places to persons, which are NOT a member of the places table (check for data plausibility) Mensen in plaatsen die niet in de plaatsnamen lijst staan (controle op plausibiliteit) |
118. | Wrong place names for FAMIILIES | Places to families, which are NOT a member of the places table (check for data plausibility) Gezinnen in plaatsen die niet in de plaatsnamen lijst staan (controle op plausibiliteit) |
119. | Media statistics | Media statistieken |
120. | Media overview by media type | Media overzicht per media type. |
121. | Media which are always visible | Media having the "always on" tag activated Media die als "Altijd zichtbaar" zijn gemarkeerd |
122. | Media not associated with a tree | Media die niet aan een boom vastzit |
123. | Media without coordinates | Media zonder coordinaten |
124. | Media with coordinates | Media met coordinaten. |
125. | Media with associated people, *without* having media linked to an event | Media with associated people, *without* having media linked to an event Media met de eraan gelinked mensen zonder dat de media aan een gebeurtenis gelinked zijn. |
126. | Media with associated people, *with* having media linked to an event | Media with associated people, *with* having media linked to an event Media met eraan gelinkte mensen MET media gelinked aan een gebeurtenis |
127. | Media which are set as "default photo" | Media die als standaard foto zijn aangevinked |
128. | Media which are *not* set as "default photo" | Media die NIET als standaard foto zijn aangevinked |
129. | People *with* associated media, but *without* default photo | Mensen MET plaatjes, maar zonder standaard plaatje |
130. | Levende Boekholt's | Je moet ingelogd zijn om hier iets nuttigs te zien |
131. | Levende personen | Je moet ingelogd zijn om hier iets nuttigs te zien |
132. | Levende Savenije's | Je moet ingelogd zijn om hier iets te zien |
133. | People without any dates | Mensen zonder enige datums |
134. | Documents linked to people not to an event | Documenten die aan een persoon gelinked zijn. |
135. | Children born before their mother | Kinderen geboren voor hun moeder |
136. | Children born before their father | Kinderen geboren voor hun vader |
137. | Children born after the death of their mother | Kinderen geboren na de dood van hun moeder |
138. | Children born after 9 months after their father's death | Kinderen geboren later dan 9 maanden na hun vader's dood |
139. | Number of people originating from third level birthplace | Aantal mensen geboren in de laatste deel van de naam in een plaatsnaam, dus provincie of land. |
140. | Frequencies of origin of people | Frequencies van de geboorteplaats van mensen |
141. | Age of people at the beginning of WW2 (1940) eligable to fight | Leeftijd van mannen aan het begin van de tweede wereld oorlog. Konden ze in het leger of niet. |
142. | Statistics of places where people were baptized | Statistieken waar mensen gedoopt zijn. |
143. | Frequency of people's marriage place | Frekwentie van plaatsen waar mensen getrouwd zijn |
144. | Families: husbands/wives, sorted by place of marriage | Gezinnen: mannen/vrouwen, gesorteerd naar plaats van de huwelijk |
145. | families: couples with same last names | Gezinnen, stellen met dezelfde achternaam |
146. | Persons whose last name is the same as the last name of their mother | Personen met dezelfde achternaam als hun moeder |
147. | persons whose last names are different from last name of father *and* last name | Mensen die een verschillende achternaam hebben als hun vader EN moeder |
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