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   Notes   Linked to 
1 2CY9-3GJ Farfarr, William (I22)
2 Alexander Keith of Baltimore Co, MY by Author L Keith
Johanna's name first appears as the husband of Lewis Barton(Barton is not her maiden name)
Last mention of Lewis is 25 July 1688, so between 1688-4 Mar 1693 she was remarried to William
Probably Christianne's Step mom 
Barton, Johanna (I92)
3 Benjamin Franklin "Frank" wa a druggist. Wife Meta had TB so they moved to Arizona in hopes of improving her health. Moved to Los Angeles, Ca. in 1936 and are both buried there. Keith, Benjamin Franklin (I284)
4 Born about 1745.
Lived on the Frontier of VA and Pennsylvania and later went to KY(Nelson,
Jefferson, Muhlenburg, and Hardin Co.)Ventured into the frontier of KY in
1775. Served in the Revolutionary War in the summer of 1780 with Daniel
Hall's Co. Col. Lin's Regiment of KY militia, and in 1782 at Ft. Nelson,
Jefferson Co., Cox's Regiment.
In 1780 probably all of the brothers were living in Nelson Co, KY then part of Jefferson Co. Henry bought 2.5 acres lots in Hartford, Nelson Co., OH on 16 July 1791, his brother John did also on the 20th of July.
He's on the tax lists of Nelson Co. in 1793: 1 male over 21(himself), 1 male between 16-21, 1 horse, 19 cattle and 7 acres. Alexander and William also on same list, but John is not and probably moved to Logan Co, KY.
Henry is next seen in Logan Co in 1794 tax lists: 2 males over 21(Henry and Alexander?), one between 16-21, 1 horse, 23 cattle, and 200 acres.
In 1795 tax lists: 2 males over 21
In 1796 1 male over 21 and 1 between 16-21.
In 1800, he lists his 200 acres on the Muddy River in Muhlenburg Co probagbly to get into the right County Records(This is directly across from Butler County. His land is in the SE part of the county on the river, probably died there.
In 1819 he still owns 125 acres. On 5 Jule 1819 he sold osme of his land to his son in law, Thomas Wood, husband of Rachel. In 1810 census names Henry as the householder with 1 female over 45 (maybe Rachel) and a female between 10-16(?) The 1820 census just names Henry, but Rachel is still living in 1823. Died between 1823 and 1830 
Keith, Henry (I15)
5 Centenary Cemetary HARRINGTON, Giles (I541)
6 Centenary Cemetary HARRINGTON, Aldis (I538)
7 Centenary Cemetary HARRINGTON, Hezekiah (I540)
8 Century Cemetary HARRINGTON, Eli (I539)
9 Civil War Record:
William A. Keith, Pvt. 42nd Ind. Infantry in Civil War
Captured at Stone River, TN. (Murfreesboro0 Dec. 31, 1862). Paroled at City point, Virginia Jan. 26, 1863. Returned to duty from US Gen. Hosp., Annapolis, MD. later in 1863. Discharged Villnow, GA., Oct. 17, 1864 at the expiration of his three year enlistment. Died at Nebraska City, Nebraska 12/15/1908. 
Keith, William Alexander (I40)
10 Died in December 1860 at age 36 of Winter Fever Keith, Abner (I341)
11 Doctor. Lived and practiced at Excelsior Springs, Mo. Keith, Sampson R. (I374)
12 Don't know anything about her. She is not on the 1820 census, so I think she may have died previous to 1820. Keith, Jane (I32)
13 Examine Logan Co. Records for marriages, possiblilty of 2 seperate marriages. Keith, Christian (I47)
14 Excerp from Alexander Keith of Baltimore County, AL Keith
born about 1710
next recorded, 9 Apr, 1743 when he and his wife "Katherine" Bought the Dear bit.
Moved to Fredrick Co. VA, identified in records and associations in the courts
Katherin may have not been a Chenowith as proported. John lived near a John Chenowith, but he didn't have any women around him who were of the right age.
Next in Hampshire and Fredrick Co., VA
1750 John was living in what is now Hampshire, may have been there from 1745-1747
About 1742 he moved to Tredrick(later Hampshire) Co., VA, where he is listed on George WASHINGTON's survey book.
May have lived close to the fork in the Cacshen River because on June 15,1765 John received a grant of 209 acres on both side of the ricer near the road to the town of Winchester to Co. Cresan's which would put him a mile from the for and 20 milies NW of Winchester. Lived there from 1743 to 1777.
The minister of the Ten Mile Baptist Church, near Amity,(Washington Co. PA) moved nearby and he joined that church and became a part of the church. 27 Feb, 1777 He was made one of the ruling Elders of the church.
Noted often to be a member of Manongale Co, Va, now W.Va.
FRom the Draper MSS(Need to get a hold of this) John had a herd station on the Ten Mile Creek(Washington CO. PA) where peaople came for safety from the Indians. 
Keith, John (I13)
15 From Alexander Keith of Baltimore Co., MY Authur L. Keith
Appears in Baltimore records in 1692
frequently named until death in 1722
Obtained much land with his secoond? wife Joan
26 Feb, 1708/9? "William sells a parcel of land called "Dear Bit" to my beloved daughter Christian"
This suggests that Joan isn't her mother, but Step-Mom
Also married a third Wife, Eleanor, the widow of John Harriman, about the same time as Joan died.
Known as Capt William Farfarr, in an inventory of Samuel Harryman.
Gave age of 69 years old 20 Nov 1718 
Farfarr, William (I22)
16 Had no children, but raised 7 orphans. Keith, Frances (I382)
17 Had six children by her first husband, and was married twice after to James Edwards, and Lem Jenkins
Her grandfather, Alexander was living with the Hunts in 1850 
Keith, Sara "Sally" Ann (I30)
18 In the Marriage manuscript, it used "Hamman" Hammond, Christopher (I85)
19 Inlisted as a Private and was discaraged a Sgt. with Co G 11 Illinois inf. in Civil War Keith, Bowen (I311)
20 It has been said she was born in Indianna, but she was not, according to the 1880 Census, she was born in North Carolina.
Old info: 25 Apr 1840, Indianna 
Dimmitt, Martha Caroline (I100)
21 Joined to 10th Regiment--Illinois State Milita on Nov, 27, 1821
Samson's father Abner came to Union Co. first. Sampson was left in Kentuch as an apprentice to a blacksmith, but as soon as his time was out he came to union county. 
Keith, Sampson Booth (I293)
22 KP4H-W8J SKELDERMAN, Elizabeth (I2)
23 Last name is possibly Bardmess??? Portness, Peter (I327)
24 Lewis Barton(1) was transported as a servant to Baltimore before or by 1674, purchased property in 1688 and married Joan (?) and had one known child,
* Lewis Barton (2) 
Barton, Lewis (I215)
25 Living in Muhlenburg Co., KY 1810 Keith, William (I46)
26 living with William Alexander KEITH (Son) in 1860 Warrick Co., IN James, Elizabeth (I29)
27 Marriage record in Warren and Warrick Co., IN

Was on a flatboat Expidition down the Mississippi R in 1830 when cousin
Jonathan KEITH and others died.

Referred to as the Postmaster in Rosewood, KY in A new history of Muhlenburg County, US/CAn 976.9832 H2c pg 104
Also recorded in Mulh. Post Offices and Postmasters US/Can 976.9832 N2a pg 25

Alexander Keith of Baltimore Co. MY-AL Keith 
Keith, Jesse (I28)
28 Married before Nov 1714
Farfarr, William, m. by Nov 1714, Eleanor, admx of John Harryman (BACP IS#B, 598).
Family F14
29 Married by J. Bomland, Muhl. Co. KY Family F17
30 Member of the Ten Mile Babptist Church; served in the REvolutionary War under Lt David Enoch; and capt Joseph Mitchell; moved to ca 1780 to "Keith Knob", Nelson Co., Ky; settled 1800 near the Ventrees Community, Hardin Co., Ky, with his Brothers;
Marriage record in the Union Church, of Hardin Co. KY 
Keith, Alexander (I94)
31 Nancy is Jesse H's first cousin Hammond, Nancy Jane (I35)
32 Not much seems to be on record of this son of Alexander, compared to John. Keith, Alexander (I20)
33 Originally Thought to be a "Chenowith", see sources Kathrine (I19)
34 Private with Co B 109th Illinois Civil War Keith, Cyrus S. (I309)
35 Records from Collected Genealogies of Keith, etc...(cited elsewhere often)
Same mariage is stated for Alexander, son of John. Marriage also appears in Hopkins Co. KY
records which has caused a lot of confusion
Listed as an "herbal doctor"
lived in Muhlenburg Co. KY at least until 1813, and later moved to Warrick Co, IN where he lived until very old and lived with grand daughter Sarah Ann Keith HUNT
had several Children, but only one named: Jesse KEITH b 28 Mar 1799

From Alexander Keith of Baltimore, MY-Auther L. Keith manuscript pg 44
-taxable in Logan Co in 1795
-In 1806 taxed in Mulh. Co. KY for land on the Muddy River(See father's notes).
-July 1808 liscensed to Mary Sarah Miller, marriage done by J. Bomland, Mulhl. Co. KY
1810 Census: 1 male between 26-45(himself), 1 female betwwen 16-26(Sara), 1 male between 10-16(maybe Jesse, he would have been 11), 2 males under 10, and 2 females under 10.( One of the girls is probably Jane).
Even though he had many children, only one can be found that I know of, Jesse.
last taxed in Muhl. Co, KY in 1813, moved then to Warrick Co, Indianna and there later died in the home of his granddaughter Sara Ann Keith HUNT. Jesse is the only child listed in this book. 
Keith, Alexander (I26)
36 Records on his descendants can be found in a book in the Joseph Smith
Memorial Building, SLC Utah. "Keith collected Geneologies of Keith..." JSMB
929.273 K269ke pages 204-241

Quote from above book: "Alexander Keith (b. 1681) came from Scotland to
Baltimore Co., Maryland about or before 1709; m. before 26 Feb 1709 to
Christian/Christianne, Daughter of Capt. William FARFARR; served as
juror; took part in deposition of disputed land in 1718; owned lands known
as "Dear Bitt" & "Shrowsbury", in northeast edge of present city of
Baltimore; d. 2 Jul 1721, Annapolis, MD.

After Alexander died and his wife soon after, the two sons were raised by
Alexander and Mary GRANT until they were 21. The money from their lands
was to pay their way, but a man named John LANCASTER wasted the money
and ran. They had almost nothing as an inheritance at all.

Also, Manuscript by Auther L. Keith, "ALexander Keith of Baltimore Co. MY. pg 3-4
Death records given in Church of England(Episcopal)
No known connection to other colonial Keiths
Soon after arival to America, married his wife Christian(Christianne)
before 1680: Keith's and farfars living in Fetteresse, Kincardenshire, Scotland posible connection.
Gave 37 as age on 20 Nov 1718
Died as he was away from home, in Anapolis, because sick and died quickly. It supposed he was visiting someone he was indebted to.( D. Dalany)

After his Death, Alexander Grant stated it was a death wish of their father to take Alexander Keith's two sons, John and Alexander and he petitioned for all the land, cattle and posessions in order to manage it until age 21. Another mane came forward with a Bond of Administration, John Lancaster and he was awarded the whole of it. He soon thereafter squandered it all and ran away, and then D. Dalany sued for his debts, leaving the two boys penniless. William Farfar left his daughter and his grandsons in the care of Alexander Grant in his will took them in. 
Keith, Alexander (I14)
37 Sarah's last name:Merryman is an assumption of the middle name of their "first" son's middle name.
Arthur L. Keith notes:
"The name Merryman occurring as the middle name of one of his sons suggests a connection with the Merryman who witnessed the will of Alexander Grant, 1738, in which will Alexander Keith (W F Keith's father) was named." 
Family F32
38 Served in the Union Army Keith, Jonathon Chineth (I63)
39 She is the third wife of William, and is the widow of John Harriman.
Her son Samuel Harriman is in the will of WIlliam.
She is not mentioned in his will, so she must have died 
Harriman, Eleanor (I93)
40 There are 5 records in the IGI and all are around 1770-1775 Family F10
41 There is some feeling between my father and Eric Wright that this is correct. We have Willam and Jean as parents on a baptism and death record on both sides of the ocean. Keith, William (I213)
42 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Keith, David Stephen (I50)
43 This is who the says Minerva was sealed to in Dallas Temple Jenkins, William (I168)
44 Was a Private with Co H 31st US Inf. During Civil War. Enlisted Sept 9, 1861 And died Sept 22, 1863. Buried in plot 8 0 8037 in the Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery, St. Louis, Missouri Keith, William Harrison (I320)
45 When he was a boy he lost the sight of one eye by being hit with a clod of dirt thrown by his brother Cauble, Adam J. (I292)

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