"mediaID","Description","mediatypeID","Tree" "1","1850 Census, Campbell Township, Warrick Co, Indianna","documents","" "16","Alexander Keith b 1748,wife Margaret Harned b 1753-4, father Jonathan Harned and Catherine Bean","headstones","" "20","Alexander Keith, son of Alexander Keith of Baltimore , by Arthur L Keith, edited by David S Keith","histories","" "5","David Stephen Keith, 2004 Photo","photos","" "8","Extract of the 1820 Census with John Keith and Alexander Keith(b abt 1767)
","documents","" "9","Geographical map of Ten Mile Creek area where many of the Keith's lived in the 1700s","documents","" "37","George Mineard Keith","photos","AlexKeith" "38","George Mineard Keith","photos","AlexKeith" "4","Gracie Deloy Keith taken Dec 2004","photos","" "43","Gravestone of Elizabeth Keith","headstones","" "40","Gravestone of Matilda Jane Cabbage","headstones","AlexKeith" "34","Harvey Morgan Thacker","photos","AlexKeith" "36","Harvey Morgan Thacker and wife Salina Olive Hamilton","photos","AlexKeith" "29","Hay Cemetery, Campbell Township, Warrick Co, Indianna","photos","AlexKeith" "44","Headstone of George Washington Keith","headstones","AlexKeith" "18","History of Alexander Keith","histories","" "21","History of Henry Keith, son of John Keith, by Arthur L Keith, edited by David S Keith","histories","" "19","History of John Keith","histories","" "25","History of William Farfar Keith(b 1 Jan 1772)","histories","" "6","Hulda Anice Cluff crop from family photo","photos","" "23","Jesse Bean Keith and spouse Mary (Chambers) Keith","photos","AlexKeith" "28","John Keith, Extract from A L Keith Manuscript","histories","AlexKeith" "7","Keith Family Dec 2004","photos","" "26","Lillie Barbara Mathewson","photos","" "39","Lillie Harrington","photos","AlexKeith" "27","Page in George Washington's Survey Book","documents","" "22","Religous Notes of Muhlenburg Co.","histories","" "35","Salina Olive Hamilton","photos","AlexKeith" "41","Tombstone of Jesse Keith","headstones","AlexKeith" "3","Wedding photo of Walter and Lillie Barbara Mathewson","photos","" "2","William Alexander Keith, taken probably in the mid 1920s","photos","" "17","William Farfar by Arthur L Keith edited by David S Keith","histories","" "14","William Farfar's Will before leaving Scotland","documents","" "15","William Farfar's Will Page 2","documents","" "10","Wood Family Bible. Inscriptions Page 1","documents","" "11","Wood family Bible. Inscriptions page 2","documents","" "12","Wood Family Bible. Inscriptions Page 3","documents","" "13","Wood Family Bible. Inscriptions page 4","documents",""